Tag Archives: decor

Just to Say Hello


Dear readers!

My my my how life can spin and whirl you in dizzying directions! For the past couple months my husband has been traveling much more than usual for work. I work full time too and that doesn’t leave much time for baby Ian and me to hang out. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices and cut the fat. I miss you all terribly though! I promise to write much more in the coming months to make up for my absence. In the meantime I will tell you what I’m working on!

I am slowly but surely planning our little boys very 1st birthday and getting ready for a snowy home grown Christmas in Pennsylvania. I fully intend on inundating you with pictures and stories by then. For now I consider myself lucky if I remember to put both ear rings in my ears and have matching shoe!

My ultimate goal is to slow down as soon as I can and reconnect with you! What do you think of this my friends? Stay with me and I promise to have lots of humor and kookiness in the coming year!

Here is a sneak peak at little Ian’s birthday plans!

We saved a couple trees with Paperless Posts! They have awesome online cards and we were able to order a hard copy of the card as a keepsake!


I call his birthday party theme Jungle Chic! Ian loves anything gold or silver so we thought it would be fun to incorporate this into a more traditional safari kind of theme. So here is my Inspiration Board full of things that make me smile and hopefully make little Ian a happy 1 year old on his special day. I’ll post pictures from his party soon. Thanks for sticking with me during the sparce writing periods!


It’s a jungle out there!

Much love – The byrd

Lunch Doodle # 3 – Gramophone


Long weekends always make the first day back to work so blah. All I can think about is kicking back with old familiar tunes. I don’t have a gramophone but I wish I did!

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Summer – Life Through Her Lense


Winter is finally beginning to weaken from its long exhausting battle and I can see the sun peeking through grey skies. Today is warm and I am dreaming of sandy toes and a Charleston summer!

 The Cooper River Bridge – Photo by Heather DelPalacio



Thank you baby!


On this blessed Thanksgiving 2013 there is plenty to say thank you for. I’m tired and … tired, but in regards to our first two weeks as parents I think it only fitting to mention some of the funny unexpected baby lessons I’m thankful for!

1. God gave babies the ability to cry so pitifully no human being with a heart can resist picking them up. I’m certain it is a built survival mechanism.

2. I’ve heard of projectile vomiting but I recently experienced projectile pooping. Fascinating…

3. Socks do not stay on newborn feet. Ever.

4. Baby clothing sizes make absolutely no sense. Newborn and 3 months can look exactly the same after a wash and dry.

5. A baby can eat and simultaneously poop to make more room in their stomach. I’m kind of jealous…

6. Baby gas sounds exactly the same as adult gas… I would have thought they would be scaled down a bit. They aren’t.

7. Baby poop… Someone just needs to write a book on it. Seriously. It looks nothing like what they eat.

8. Babies require 4 things: love, food, clean diaper and sleep. The rest seems to be gravy.

9. A baby can sleep through a full-blown rock concert with disco lights when it’s time to feed them. But, when it’s nap time, a baby can wake at the sound of a single floorboard creaking.

10. Just when you think you have figured out what “works” a baby will change it up.

Nursery pictures. It’s a work in progress but here is what we have so far. Better late than never!

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Have a FAB Friday!


I love FAB.com! I can’t visit it without wanting to buy something! I also love that they promote mom & pop shops! Seriously it has so much cool stuff! I’m addicted!!


Some of my favorites: Science Tee for women Reverie Sofa TealIzola – Sage candleMarquee Light & Black  & Dark Matter Coffee (Unicorn BLood & A Love Supreme)

Have a FAB Friday!

Beauty in the Brush Stroke – Life Through Her Lens


This is another photo my sister took at Frida Kahlo’s House (Coyoacan, MX City).  They are Frida’s paint brushes, which hang on her easel in the “studio” near her room.  It captured my sister’s attention because these were the same brushes that Frida used to pour her heart and soul on to so many canvases.  It is surreal knowing that in this room, with these brushes, Frida painted some of her masterpieces.

Brushes – Photo by Heather DelPalacio


frida-kahlo-biography      frida-kahlo-biography

This is a well-known picture of Frida as well as a self-portrait with the portrait of Doctor Farill painted in 1951. Fun stuff. Ok. I promise I’ll post some more diverse non-Frida related photos but I loved this one and the cactus so much!

The Land of Nod


I am in love with this stuff!! Today I discovered a site that fits my style and taste perfectly! I am already picking out toys and baby bedding from TheLandOfNod.com

Frida’s cactus – Life Through Her Lens


My sister’s husband is a native of Mexico City. His grandmother grew up next door to Frida Kahlo. This is a picture my sister snapped during her last visit to Mexico. It is a giant cactus growing in Frida’s yard. Gorgeous!


Cactus – Photo by Heather DelPalacio
